Sunday, May 18, 2008

VSIPL and Beer Stew

On St. Patrick's Day, I made a pot Guiness Beer Stew and ate on it for the next three days or so. The beer stew I'm making now is going to compose lunches and tonight's supper for the next few days. Cooking is only economical if done in large batches, and the ability to consume left-overs is an essential skill. An hour of preparation and $12.00 on day zero yield meals spanning the next three days.

So, I'm adjusting rather well to this area. The environs are aesthetically gratifying, and there's no shortage of human activity to counter the feelings of isolation that set in when the people you know are scattered hundreds of miles away. As advertised, this house has a Wii which will surely result in much time wasted.

GPU VSIPL development on Windows Vista is dramatic. I've kernel-panic-ed my laptop several times so far. The GPU onboard has about 1/10th the theoretical performance of my desktop, but it's still worthwhile. I can do performance benchmarking via SSH-tunneled-VNC to a machine at CCRF.

Work starts tomorrow. I'm very enthused about it and only slightly nervous about starting.


Yesterday's five hour bike tour through DC and Arlington has resulted in soreness in two areas: my elbows, and my crotch. When speeding up and slowing down [good brakes mean you can go faster, it's true], your arms apply nearly all tangent forces to your torso. Any time you brake, your arms bear much of the load. That can be exhausting and intense on the elbows. Your crotch provides all normal forces to your body, and after a few hours begins to complain about it. I wasn't quite expecting my legs to be so comfortable with the workout.

1 comment:

Dan said...

It's fascinating what you find when you google for "GPU VSIPL"