Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Second Day

Much of the technical information regarding the project I'm working on is covered by an NDA, so I'll probably be avoiding it as blogtopics go.

Instead, I give you this: biking through the city at a pace that keeps up with cars is kind of dangerous, but it's also kind of fun. There's a lot going on to be aware of, and pumping really hard in top gear from a standing stop so you accelerate with traffic can be exhausting, but the thrill of it all grows with each stroke. It's a great way to start a work day.


There were several shootings in DC in the last day. None in Arlington. Guns that are in a condition from which they may be fired are illegal in DC, so I suppose the fundamental flaws of gun prohibitions have tragically surfaced again. I'm going to try to be on the Courthouse steps the day the decision of Heller vs DC comes out [if I can].

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