Friday, September 12, 2008

Cluster Names

In a meeting today, we got onto the topic of project names and then computer naming schemes. Any new cluster needs unique and memorable identifiers for each machine. Numbers are too sterile, so clever administrators strive to select a theme capable of generating thirty or more unique names that still convey membership of the group.

Ada suggested the "vogue" cluster with nodes named after designers. We then sat around tossing out ideas for the GPU cluster being proposed. Here were several of the more amusing ideas

* dead comedians (already in use by CoC)
* high-end automobiles
* Disney characters
* 3rd world dictators

Here are a few more to have on hand in case I ever need them:

* coffee terms (already in use by emma+andy)
* classic video games
* characters in Les Miserables (spelling might be prohibitive, and eponine can be expected to crash before your simulation ends...)
* characters in practically any classic novel (Catch22, Whuthering Heights..)

Audience participation: add to the list.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice... I like Ada's idea. :)
