Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Last October, I wrote a JSON parser in C++ that constructs a document object structure. A visitor class provides convenient access to the document object, and a number of tests validate the parser. I've also relaxed the specification to permit strings without quotation marks assuming they meet the same rules as variables in a C-like programming language. Multi-byte encodings aren't as well-tested or covered.

I'm preparing to make it available under a BSD license. Here's a sample usage scenario from the test suite.

// Example JSON usage
try {
std::stringstream ss;
json::Parser parser;

// without quotes, and with weird spacing
ss << "{objects:[{id:1, location : [ 0, 0,0]},{id:2,location:[1.25,0.25,4]}]}";

json::Object *object = parser.parse_object(ss);
json::Visitor visitor(object);

json::Visitor obj0 = visitor["objects"][0];
json::Visitor obj1 = visitor["objects"][1];

if ((int)(obj0["id"]) != 1 || (double)(obj0["location"][0]) != 0) {
if (verbose) {
std::cout << "visitor test 0 - failed for obj0\n";
passes = false;

if ((int)(obj1["id"]) != 2 || (double)(obj1["location"][0]) != 1.25 ||
(double)(obj1["location"][1]) != 0.25 || (double)(obj1["location"][2]) != 4) {
if (verbose) {
std::cout << "visitor test 0 - failed for obj1\n";
passes = false;

delete object;
catch (common::exception &exp) {
passes = false;
std::cout << "parse failed for visitor test 0\n";
std::cout << exp.message << std::endl;

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