Monday, June 30, 2008


Saturday night, my friend Nick Merryman graciously invited me to hang out with him, his fiancee, and their friends. This resulted in eating Mediterranean food, drinking tequila from several establishments, dancing in a nearly vacant underground disco, and smoking a hookah. I sneakily managed to hold a pull for the duration of a hookah cycle and exhaled just as the last person exhaled; this made for some surprises. Nick managed to handwhistle with smoke which was pretty amusing.

I need to figure out how to smuggle a portable whiteboard into bars. It would make discussions easier, and we wouldn't have to busily scribble illustrative plots onto napkins.

Nick reported he just sent a PCB out for fabrication which is pretty impressive. I've never done any *real* RF circuit design and consider that to be fairly hardcore. His board, among other things, has pinouts for a 320-pin FPGA.


I also need to arrange a rotisserie over a woodgrill in our backyard. My roommate seems to have cooking inclinations, so one weekend we should roast a large pile of meat.


On the GPU front, I got TRAC installed and am using it now. Someone at GTRI is using GPU VSIPL which is interesting.


sstc said...

Hey, hold on that meat until July 24th-28th. Or, do it again that weekend.

Spatchcock said...

This will be the first of several trials.

Anonymous said...

"I need to figure out how to smuggle a portable whiteboard into bars. It would make discussions easier, and we wouldn't have to busily scribble illustrative plots onto napkins."

oh andy...i seriously laughed for a good while after reading that statement...only you!! haha :-)

in other thoughts, i wonder if we could devise a folding mini-whiteboard that fits in your pocket for said instances...hmmm it to thinkgeekers.

Unknown said...

haha Sara... I love the ideas you come up with. :)