Monday, February 21, 2011

Ferroequinology: More Running Boards

Saturday, I revisited SERM to spend some time on A&WP 290. The previous visit, we cleared several brackets and attached steam and air pipes to expose a nearly clear boiler shell. In preparation for Ultrasonic Thickness testing, a grid over each course of the shell must be arranged and test points ground to expose bare metal. To access the entire shell, running boards on the fireman's (left) side of the locomotive needed to be installed.

Installing the fireman's side running boards used all of the mounting hardware remaining and, to our chagrin, exposed mistakes in mounting the engineer's side running boards. This image depicts the two large castings that support both running boards and compressed air tanks. Each of the four castings is distinct, not correctly labeled, and not easily positioned even with a crane (of which I have become a precise and efficient operator).

Engineer's side running boards on A&WP 290 installed on Jan 15, 2011 at Southeastern Railroad Museum. Pictured: AWP290 project manager Dale Grice.

Ultimately, we had to remove the engineer's side running boards, remove what we guessed was the incorrectly placed bracket, place a different bracket, reinstall the running board, install that bracket on the other side in both possible locations, and hopefully achieve the best fit. Moreover, studs can be bent so it's a matter of luck and judgment to determine whether a part doesn't fit because it's not the correct part or because you're not using a large enough hammer.

By end of day, with many possible combinations attempted, all air tank brackets were soundly mounted, running boards placed, and the boiler now accessible from all sides. During the next disassembly, we'll surely stamp each casting and avoid confusion in the future... ha.

Up next, ultrasonic thickness measurement over every square foot of a 37ft pressure vessel with working pressure 201 psi and operational temperature of 450 degF.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Orthographic Meet 2011

Last night, Emma and I attended the Atlanta Open Orthographic Meet, an annual spelling competition held at Manuel's Tavern. My score was 19 total, although I feel bad pronunciation robbed me of of 'pharoah.' These are the words from each of four rounds with my best effort to recall the particular definition provided during the competition.

Round 1

pharoah - a tyrant
shellacked - to defeat decisively
corpuscle - an unattached body cell, such as a blood or lymph cell
artisan - a skilled manual worker; a craftsperson
ululate - to howl or wail, as with grief
metallurgy - the study of metals and their properties in bulk and at the atomic level
bulwark - wall or embankment raised as a defensive fortification
privilege - a special advantage, immunity, permission
artesian - a well from which water flows spontaneously due to internal pressure
mischief - behavior that causes discomfiture or annoyance in anothe
sauerbraten - pot roast of beef marinated in vinegar, water, wine, and spices before being cooked
poltergeist - a ghost that manifests itself by noises, rappings, and the creation of disorder
deuce - a tied score in tennis
lien - right to take and hold the property of a debtor as security for a debt
apropos - being at once opportune and to the point
rendezvous - meeting at a prearranged time and place
vaudeville - theatrical performance of this kind; a variety show
pharisaic - hypocritically self-righteous and condemnatory
apiary - place where bees are kept
bamboozle - to take in by elaborate methods of deceit

Round 2

grok - to understand profoundly through intuition
uxorious - excessively submissive or devoted to one's wife
apocopate - to omit the final sound or sounds of (a word)
diurnal - occurring or active during the daytime rather than at night
succedaneum - a substitute
poinciana - having large orange or red flowers
snollygoster - one, especially a politician, who is guided by personal advantage rather than by consistent, respectable principles
involucrar - ??
viand - a very choice or delicious dish
onomatopoeia - the formation or use of words such as buzz or murmur that imitate the sounds associated with the objects or actions they refer to
??? -
antipyretic - a medication that reduces fever
trepanation - the medical procedure of making a hole in the skull
anneal - to subject glass or metal to a process of heating and slow cooling in order to toughen and reduce brittleness
coccygodynia - pain in the coccyx or tailbone area

Round 3

kuemmel - a sweet, colorless liqueur flavored with caraway seed
zugzwang - a situation where one player is put at a disadvantage because he has to make a movel the player would prefer to pass and make no move
fissiparous - inclined to cause or undergo division into separate parts or groups
psammite - a metamorphosed rock unit with a dominantly sandstone
smaragd - having the color of emeralds
coryphee - a ballet dancer
ratamacue -
majuscule - capital letters
mirliton - a pear-shaped vegetable or its vine
claquer - an organized body of professional applauders

Round 4

cimicine -
rijstaffel - a dish originating in Indonesia; a wide variety of foods and sauces are served with rice
mbaqanga - a style of Black popular music of urban South Africa
jobbernowl - a blockhead
tchick - a slight sound such as that made by pressing the tongue against the roof of the mouth and explosively sucking out the air at one side, as in urging on a horse

Monday, February 7, 2011

Install GPU Ocelot on Ubuntu 10.04

We've recently acquired a new machine to test Advanced Vector Extensions with GPU Ocelot's experimental vectorizing execution manager and code generator. I decided to document the complete set of procedures needed to build Ocelot on a fresh installation of Ubuntu 10.04.

1.) Install Ubuntu updates

2.) Install prerequisites:

sudo apt-get install g++ subversion libboost-all-dev
sudo apt-get install glutg3-dev libglew1.5-dev glew-utils
sudo apt-get install bison flex automake autoconf libtool

3.) Install NVIDIA CUDA 3.2 for Ubuntu 10.04. This includes an updated video driver and CUDA 3.2 Toolkit.

4.) Download, build, and install LLVM

svn co llvm
cd llvm
./configure && make ENABLE_OPTIMIZED=1 -j 8
sudo make install ENABLE_OPTIMIZED=1

5.) Download, build, and install GPU Ocelot

svn checkout gpuocelot-read-only
cd gpuocelot-read-only/ocelot
libtoolize && aclocal && autoconf && automake && ./configure
make check -j 8
sudo make install

6.) Run built in unit tests:

make test